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Shipment Types For ACE and ACI eManifest

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This article is part of the Shipment Release Types Guide

A Shipment Type, aka clearance type or release option, is the method by which goods being transported by a highway carrier obtain Customs' permission to enter the country. In general, it is the responsibility of the importer or their agent (broker) to select the shipment type. With very few exceptions, the carrier should not make a decision as to which shipment type should be used, but instead rely on their client to supply them with those instructions. This guide offers instructions on shipment types used within BorderConnect eManifest Software.

The most common shipment type for commercial goods entering Canada is PARS, in which goods obtain CBSA clearance ahead of arrival at the border. Its counterpart for goods entering the U.S. is PAPS.

CBSA Shipment Types for ACI eManifest

The following shipment types are used for goods entering Canada via highway carrier:

  • PARS - default shipment type for commercial goods entering Canada, allows pre-clearance of goods.
  • In-Bond - allows for inland movement of goods that are not considered "released" by CBSA.
  • CSA - special shipment type for parties enrolled in the CSA trusted trader program when all required conditions are met.
  • A49 Automotive Release - special shipment type used for shipping production automotive parts to Chrysler, Ford and GM.
  • ATA Carnet - typically used for commercial samples, professional equipment and goods for use at exhibitions and fairs.
  • E29B - type of temporary import
  • Goods Astray - allows for the release of goods which were previously exported from the Canada.
  • Paper RMD - allows importers to obtain release of goods prior to payment of duties and taxes by presenting interim documentation, otherwise known as an RMD package.
  • Paper B3 - used to account for imported goods, regardless of value, destined for commercial use in Canada.
  • Personal Goods - used when non-commercial goods are transported by highway carriers.
  • Orders In Council - used when goods are covered under an Order in Council granting exemption from normal release methods.
  • Master Provisional - used when the importer/owner or broker cannot establish a final value for duty of goods at the time of importation.
  • Automotive Line Release - special shipment type used for shipping new Ford, GM, Chrysler production vehicles to dealerships in Canada.
  • Value Included - used in the event additional goods are shipped to address a shortage in a shipped order.
  • Military Goods - used when goods belonging or destined to the Canadian Department of National Defence being transported by an authorized commercial carrier.

CBSA Cargo Exemptions for ACI eManifest

The following shipments are considered cargo exemptions for goods entering Canada via highway carrier:

  • Instruments of International Trade (IIT) - used for empty racks and containers that cross the border in international transportation.
  • In-Transit - used when goods are moving from point-to-point travelling through the United States.
  • Flying Truck - used when freight that was originally supposed to arrive in Canada by air instead arrives by truck.
  • Courier Low Value Shipment - special shipment type only available to couriers transporting low value shipments.
  • Postal Shipment - used to report shipments of mail moving from a foreign postal service to Canada Post.
  • Emergency Repairs - used by Canadian carriers to report emergency repairs to commercial vehicles that occur outside Canada.
  • Empty ACI eManifest - Although not required at all ports, an empty conveyance can still be provided and is recommended.

CBP Shipment Types for ACE Manifest

The following shipment types are used for goods entering the United States via highway carrier:

  • PAPS - default shipment type for commercial goods entering the U.S., allows pre-clearance of goods
  • QP In-Bond - allows for custom broker clearance for inland movement of goods that are not considered "released" by CBP
  • ACE In-Bond - allows for inland movement of goods that are not considered "released" by CBP in ACE Manifest.
  • Section 321 - allows for import of goods valued under 800 USD
  • Instruments of International Traffic (IIT) - used for empty racks and containers that cross the border in international transportation
  • ATA Carnet - allows for the temporary importation of goods into a country.
  • BRASS - type of pre-clearance, can only be used by FAST-approved drivers
  • Personal Shipment - used when non-commercial goods are transported by highway carriers
  • Free of Duty - used for duty-free merchandise not exceeding 2500 USD in value
  • Returned American Products - allows for the release at the border of shipments consisting of products of the United States being returned.
  • Goods Astray - used for the return to the U.S. of refused or undeliverable shipments or goods brought into Canada accidentally
  • U.S. Department of Defense Shipment - cargo belonging to department of defense being transported by commercial carrier
  • International Mail - used to report shipments of mail moving from a foreign postal service to the U.S. Postal Service
  • Intangibles - used for the release of certain specific commodities including business records and articles returned from space
  • CBP Form 3461 (Entry/Immediate Delivery, aka Type 11) - regular PAPS entry submitted by a customs broker in paper format rather than electronically. manifested by the carrier as a PAPS
  • Empty ACE Manifest - Although not required, CBP recommends processing an ACE Manifest without a shipment. Creating an empty ACE Manifest is also required for ATA-Carnet's and U.S. Department of Defense shipments.