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Goods Astray (CBSA Shipment Type)

From BorderConnect Wiki
This article is part of the Shipment Release Types Guide
How to create a Goods Astray Shipment in ACI.

Goods Astray is a Canadian Shipment Type for goods through CBSA and ACI eManifest. It is a type of Informal Entry (otherwise known as Goods Found Astray or Misrouted Goods) that allows for the release at the border of goods which were originally exported from Canada. Highway carriers must transmit ACI eManifests for this type of shipment unless there is an exemption or exception.[1]

Once the driver arrives, CBSA will verify the information of the goods astray shipment, and will then release the shipment back to the carrier. Verification will consist of satisfactory evidence provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection or the carrier.[2]

Declaring a Goods Astray Shipment in ACI eManifest

Highway Carriers transporting shipments into the Canada under Goods Astray must report them on their ACI eManifest. To report Goods Astray the carrier will need to create an ACI Shipment with the Shipment Type "Goods Astray", and ensure that the shipment is transmitted as part of their ACI eManifest. The example below shows how to report a Goods Astray shipment using BorderConnect's ACI eManifest Software.

Although a Goods Astray shipment is different from a PARS shipment, the carrier will still need to provide a unique Cargo Control Number, as well as all other information normally required for an ACI Shipment including Shipper, Consignee and Commodity information.

As with all Informal Entries, no Customs Broker should be involved and the carrier will not receive an Transaction Number for the shipment. At the border, the driver should be prepared to show paperwork for the shipment that was exported, as well as any documentation that supports the load being undeliverable. If the highway carrier is unsure what documentation is needed to prove they are Goods Astray they should contact the CBSA port of arrival.

In order to comply with ACI eManifest requirements you are required to ensure that both your manifest and the broker clearance on any PARS shipments are on file with CBSA for at least one hour before the driver arrives at the border.


  1. CBSA Memorandum D3-6-6 https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/dm-md/d3/d3-6-6-eng.pdf
  2. Highway Pre-arrival and Reporting Requirements Memorandum D3-4-2 https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/dm-md/d3/d3-4-2-eng.html