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Section 321 (CBP Shipment Type)

From BorderConnect Wiki
This article is part of the Shipment Release Types Guide
How to create a Section 321 in BorderConnect.
Selecting Section 321 shipment type from the Start New ACE Shipment page

A Section 321 is a U.S. Shipment Type for goods to clear through U.S. Customs and Border Protection on an ACE Manifest. It is a type of entry that allows for the release at the border of shipments valued at 800 U.S. dollars or less.

To qualify for Section 321 release a shipment must not exceed 800 U.S. dollars in value and must not be one of several lots covered by a single order or contract, the value of which would exceed $800. CBP may also refuse to release a shipment as Section 321 when taking into account risk considerations that may vary for different classes or kinds of merchandise.

As of March 7, 2016 Section 321 informal entry limits increased from $200.00 USD to $800.00 USD.

On November 26, 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection began a phased approach for Section 321 non-compliance on ACE Manifests. Starting January 1, 2019 CBP will require an ACE Manifest for all Section 321 shipments. Failure to include Section 321 shipments on ACE Manifests may result in a monetary penalty starting at $5000 USD (for the first offence).[1]

Shipments released as Section 321 are free of duty and tax.

Declaring a Section 321 Shipment in ACE Manifest

As of January 1, 2019 highway carriers entering the U.S. with Section 321 shipments are required to file an ACE eManifest for that truck.

To report a Section 321 the carrier will need to create an ACE Shipment with the Shipment Type Section 321 and ensure that the shipment is transmitted on their ACE eManifest. The example below shows how to report Section 321 shipments using BorderConnect's ACE eManifest software.

Although a Section 321 shipment is different from a PAPS shipment, the carrier will still need to provide a unique Shipment Control Number, as well as all other information normally required for an ACE Shipment including Shipper, Consignee and Commodity information. Additionally, the carrier will need to enter the Value and Country of Origin of the goods as part of the ACE Shipment.

As with all Informal Entries, no Customs Broker should be involved and the carrier will not receive an Entry Number for the shipment. At the border, the driver should be prepared to show paperwork for the shipment to the Customs Officer.

Using the CSV Shipment Upload Feature (Bulk Shipment Upload)

BorderConnect provides a simple way for users to upload information for large amounts of shipments per eManifest. To learn how to upload shipments visit the ACE Shipment CSV Upload Feature within the BorderConnect ACE Software User Guide.
