Warehouse Arrival Certification Message (WACM) Guide (CBSA)
This article is part of the BorderConnect PARS Software Guide |

This guide offers instructions on using BorderConnect's Warehouse Arrival Certification Message (WACM) feature using the Release Notification System (RNS). This guide assumes that you have an active software subscription and that your RNS registration is complete. If you are not yet registered, please refer to the registration instructions below under 'Getting Started'.
Warehouse Arrival Certification Message (WACM) is a notification that is sent by a Canadian Sufferance Warehouse when unreleased inland cargo arrives at their facility. WACM became mandatory on May 6, 2015, under an amendment to the Customs Sufferance Warehouse Regulations. This electronic requirement replaced the previous method of manual arrivals and the transfer of liability process at inland destinations.[1]
Warehouse operators or owners who receive unreleased goods into their sufferance warehouses must transmit WACM. Warehouse operators must be registered participants in CBSA's Release Notification System (RNS) using an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Operators may also use a third-party service provider to transmit their arrival messages, such as BorderConnect.[2]
On August 14, 2020, Canada Border Services Agency announced changes to address eManifest house bill issues with Customs Notice 20-28. These changes, starting November 1, 2020 include changes to all Warehouse Arrival Certification Messages (WACM). Starting on this date all Warehouse Arrival Certification Messages must include a warehouse sub-location code as part of their electronic submission to CBSA.[3]
Getting Started
If you have not already done so, the easiest way to start transmitting WACM to CBSA using BorderConnect RNS is to contact BorderConnect. Or if you haven't registered to use RNS with BorderConnect and you'd like to add this feature yourself, navigate to the 'Account' menu option on the top right and then click 'Company Details'. Where your warehouse sublocation code is listed, click 'RNS Registration' and print the document. If your sublocation code isn't listed, you can use the New Sub Location button to add it, or contact BorderConnect for assistance. A person with signing authority must then print and sign the document and send it back to BorderConnect by fax or email. We will then send to CBSA on your behalf and in approximately 1-2 weeks your RNS subscription will be active.
Sending a WACM to CBSA
Sending an Arrival Message to CBSA
Once your Warehouse RNS application has been approved by CBSA, you can start sending Warehouse Arrival Certification Messages (WACM) using RNS. When unreleased shipments arrive at your warehouse, you will need to send an arrival message for each cargo control number corresponding to each of the shipments.
To send an arrival message, log in to BorderConnect and navigate to the menu option 'PARS Shipments' and select the option 'Send New RNS Arrival'. This will bring you to the 'Send RNS Arrival Request for Canadian Shipment' page.
Once on the 'Send RNS Arrival Request for Canadian Shipment' page, enter the Cargo Control Number, your Warehouse Sublocation Code, and the Arrival Date and Arrival Time, then send 'Send Arrival Request to CBSA' and in approximately 5-10 minutes CBSA will provide a response to your WACM on BorderConnect's RNS Arrival Search page.
WACM Response Messages
The table below outlines the most common responses to an arrival message.
WACM Response | Meaning | Action To Be Taken |
RELEASED | The cargo control number has successfully arrived, and is now in released status. | No further action is required. The goods can now exit the warehouse and are no longer considered in-bond. |
ARRIVED* | CBSA has accepted your WACM but there is no entry on file by a customs broker yet. | No further action is required. The goods are not released yet, but you have met your arrival reporting requirement. |
HELD FOR EXAM "Examination Required" | Your WACM is successfully accepted, but an examination for the shipment is required. | You should contact CBSA to schedule an examination. Please note it is also possible to receive a Held notice at a later date. Held notices are not restricted to WACM responses. |
ERROR "Cannot arrive, goods already released and acquitted" | The WACM was rejected, but the cargo control number is already released. | No further action is required. The cargo control number has attained released status, which means it is already arrived. The goods can now exit the warehouse and are no longer considered in-bond. |
ERROR "Arrival office does not match release office" | The WACM was rejected because the port on the WACM doesn't match the port the customs broker used on their entry. | First verify that your WACM used the correct sublocation code for the warehouse you are trying to arrive the goods at. If this was incorrect, send a new arrival message for the cargo control number with the correct sublocation code. If your WACM was correct, contact the customs broker who filed the entry and ask them to revise the port they are using. |
ERROR "Request ID already in arrived status" | The WACM was rejected, but the cargo control number is already in arrived status. | No further action is required. The goods are not released yet, but you have met your arrival reporting requirement. |
ERROR "Arrival is already on file with matching Port and Warehouse" | The WACM was rejected, but the cargo control number is already in arrived status with the corresponding port and warehouse. | No further action is required. The arrival is already on file with the same port and warehouse. |
ERROR "Cannot arrive CCN if acquitted" | The WACM was rejected, but the cargo control number is already released. | No further action is required. The cargo control number has attained released status, which means it is already arrived. The goods can now exit the warehouse and are no longer considered in-bond. |
ERROR "Related conveyance must be arrived and in good final decision status" | This shipment is currently linked to an ACI eManifest that is still in a pre-arrival state and not yet in Canada. | Make sure you are not sending the WACM before the shipment physically arrives at your bonded warehouse. If you get this response when the goods are already there, you should contact the carrier. The carrier will need to update their eManifest to reflect their arrival in Canada. You can then resend the WACM. |
ERROR "Related conveyance must be authorized to move and arrive" | Same as above | Same as above |
ERROR "Arrival work location code must be the same as the port of destination on House Bill" | The WACM was rejected because the port on the WACM doesn't match the port the freight forwarder used on their House Bill. | First verify that your WACM used the correct sublocation code for the warehouse you are trying to arrive the goods at. If this was incorrect, send a new arrival message for the cargo control number with the correct sublocation code. If your WACM was correct, contact the freight forwarder and ask them to revise the port they are using on the House Bill. |
No Further Action Required | Minor Action Required | Action Needs To Be Taken |
Warehouse Arrival Search Page
- ↑ CBSA - Warehouse Arrival Certification Message (WACM) Questions and Answers https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/codes/wacm-eng.html
- ↑ Customs Notice 17-28 https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/cn-ad/cn17-28-eng.html
- ↑ Customs Notice 20-28 https://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/cn-ad/cn20-28-eng.html