Start New QP In-Bond Page (U.S. In-Bond Manager)
This article is part of the BorderConnect Software User Guide |
The Start New QP In-Bond Page is a page in BorderConnect U.S. In-Bond Manager where the user begins a new QP In-Bond. It allows the user to enter the main information for the QP in-bond and save it once finished. The Start New QP In-Bond Page can be accessed under the U.S. In-Bonds menu by selecting 'Start New QP In-Bond', as well as from the QP In-Bond Search Page by clicking on the Start New QP In-Bond button. Please note that the tooltips below specific fields will provide additional details and indicate if specific fields are optional.
- In-Bond Entry Number
- Used to enter the unique entry number provided by CBP. This field can be entered manually or if in-bond sequences were previously added to BorderConnect under the ACE In-Bond Sequences Page, the entry number will be added automatically from remaining numbers in the sequence.
- In-Bond Entry Type
- Used to select from the three in-bond entry types. 1) Type 61 - Immediate Transportation, 2) Type 62 - Transportation and Exportation, and 3) Type 63 - Immediate Export
- Port of U.S. Entry
- Used to enter the location the in-bond shipment entered the U.S. This can be assigned by typing in the port code, or the name of the port.
- U.S. In-Bond Destination
- Used to enter the location the in-bond will be moving in-bond to in the U.S. This can be assigned by typing in the port code, or the name of the port.
- Foreign In-Bond Destination
- This is the final foreign destination the in-bond will eventually move to and this field is only applicable to Type 62 and Type 63 in-bonds. This can be assigned by entering the foreign port code or the name of the location.
- FIRMS Code
- Used to indicate the location that in-bond shipments will be bonded to. This field is required for in-bond shipments destined to a Foreign Trade Zone or Bonded Warehouse withdrawal.
- Estimated Date of U.S. Entry
- Used to indicate the date the driver is expected to arrive at the U.S. border. It will default to the current date. To set another date the user can either enter it in the text field using the format mm/dd/yyyy or use the calendar tool by clicking on the calendar icon. The currently entered date can also be cleared by clicking on the eraser icon.
- Estimated Time of U.S. Entry
- Used to indicate the time of day the driver is expected to arrive at the U.S. border. It will default to the current time plus two hours. To set it to a different time the drop down menus can be used to set hours, minutes, and am/pm.
- Importing Carrier
- Used to select the name of the carrier or carrier code of the carrier who first brought or is bringing the shipment into the U.S. This can be assigned by entering the SCAC or the name of the carrier. If the carrier is not listed in the list, you can click the 'Add Importing Carrier' link at the bottom of the results section.
- In-Bond Carrier ID
- Used to enter the bonded carrier ID. This can be assigned by entering the IRS Number, CBP Assigned Number, or a Social Security Number of the bonded carrier.
- In-Bond Carrier Code/SCAC
- Used to assign the SCAC or Carrier Code of the carrier performing the in-bond movement within the U.S. This can be assigned by entering the SCAC of the carrier.
- Importing Conveyance Name
- Used to identify the conveyance or vehicle. A truck unit number can be assigned to this field.
- Voyage/Flight/Trip Number
- Used to identify the voyage, flight, or trip number as shown on the shipper's manifest. This can be assigned by entering the ACE trip number, or another specified number as mentioned on the shipper's paperwork. For truck or pipe in-bonds this field can be left blank.
- Total Value
- Used to indicate the total value of the goods being brought in-bond. The total value will be rounded to the closest whole number.
- FTZ or Warehouse Withdrawal
- Used to indicate if the in-bond will require a Foreign Trade Zone or Warehouse Withdrawal. Select 'Yes' if the in-bond will require it, otherwise 'No' will be the selected default option.
- Subject to FDA or BTA Reporting
- Used to indicate if the in-bond will be subject to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or BTA inspection. Select 'Yes' if the in-bond will require it, otherwise 'No' will be the selected default option.
- Previous In-Bond Entry Number
- Used to indicate if this in-bond is a subsequent in-bond to a previous in-bond that was filed. Please note that the previous in-bond must already be in 'Arrived' status.