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Correcting Rejected ACE Manifests (ACE Manifest)

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This article is part of the BorderConnect ACE Manifest Guide
How to Make Changes and Cancel an ACE Manifest in BorderConnect.

This guide offers instructions on correcting an ACE eManifest that has received a reject response from CBP using BorderConnect ACE Manifest software. If rejected there will be a CBP Response under your History/Status Messages showing a reject and the reason for it. In order to resolve the problem, you will need to locate that reject response, and follow the specific instructions for that reject.

This guide is not intended to replace BorderConnect support. It may be that a combination of rejects or events create a situation for which the solution is too complicated to elaborate on here. This will only cover the basics of what each rejection message means, and the solution to the simple situations where it might be encountered.

Shipment Already On File

CBP Response: Man Returned to Preliminary, Trip [ABCD028321]
CBP Response: Shipment Already on File, Shipment [ABCD0092355]
CBP Response: XXXX Bill Rejected XXXX, Shipment [ABCD0092355]
CBP Response: Shipments Rejected [1], Shipments Accepted [0] for Complete Manifest

This is a reject that comes up when one of the shipments on your manifest is already in CBP's system. They are saying that you can't submit the manifest with this shipment on it because they already have that shipment. The reject will tell you which shipment is causing the problem. In this example it is the shipment control number ABCD0092355.

  • A common occurrence of this reject is when you change the trip number or date on a manifest and then resend it. CBP will view it as a new manifest but will reject it because the shipment is still listed on the manifest with the original trip number or date. To correct the reject in this situation, you will need to select Cancel eManifest at the top of the eManifest Details page, and wait for them to accept your cancellation. Then change your trip number or date back to the original, and again select Cancel eManifest to clear out the original manifest you sent from CBP's system. Once that second cancel has been accepted, you are free to change the manifest back to the desired trip number or date and click Sync with CBP.
  • Another common occurrence is when you have sent a shipment as an unassociated shipment, and then sent a complete manifest with that shipment on it. The solution in this case is to select Cancel eManifest from the top of the eManifest Details page as well as selecting Detach Shipment Message for the shipment details page. Once that is processed and your eManifest and ACE shipment is detached, select Cancel Shipment Message under Send to CBP from the ACE shipment details page. These messages will clear out both the rejected manifest and the unassociated shipment. Once both cancels receive an accepted response, you can go back to the eManifest details page and select Sync with CBP.
  • This reject may occur if you have used this shipment control number on a different manifest, and then moved it to this one without cancelling and submitting the original manifest. If this is the case you will need to cancel this manifest as well as the original manifest using the option Cancel eManifest from the eManifest Details page. You will also need to view the shipment details page and click Detach Shipment Message under Shipment Only Send to CBP and then send a Cancel Shipment Message after that. Then resubmit them by going back to the eManifest details page and clicking Sync With CBP.
  • If none of the above apply, this reject probably means that the shipment control number for your shipment has been used in the past. If this is the case, you will need to cancel the manifest using the Cancel eManifest button at the top of your eManifest details page, then update your shipment control number, and resend the manifest using the button Sync with CBP.

Shipment Not On File

CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD009616]
CBP Response: Shipment Not On File, Shipment [ABCD474439]
CBP Response: XXXX Bill Rejected XXXX, Shipment [ABCD474439]
CBP Response: Shipments Failed Amend [1], Shipments Sucessfully Amended [0] for Amendment Request

This is a reject that means that the shipment you are trying to amend or cancel is not currently in the system. The reject will tell you which shipment is causing the problem. In this example the shipment control number ABCD474439 is the one that CBP shows not on file or deleted.

  • This reject comes up most frequently when you change the shipment control number of a manifest that is already on file, and then try to Amend Completed eManifest using the legacy send buttons so that it updates with CBP. This is not the proper procedure for changing a shipment control number though, because CBP will view this not as a change to the shipment control number but as an attempt to update a shipment they don't have yet.
  • It is also common to see this reject when you add a shipment to the manifest and Amend Completed eManifest using the legacy send buttons. Again this will fail because CBP will view it not as an addition but an attempt to update a shipment they don't have yet.
  • The solution to this reject when you've encountered it for the above two reasons is to first cancel the manifest using the option Cancel eManifest at the top of your eManifest Details page, wait for the cancel to be accepted by CBP, then resend the manifest using the Sync with CBP button at the top of your eManifest Details page. This will clear out the original manifest you submitted and replace it with the current version as you have it in BorderConnect.
  • It's also possible to encounter this reject when you've sent a Cancel Shipment Message or Attach Shipment Message using the Shipment Only Send to CBP in the shipment details page. Because those are advanced options, it would be best to call BorderConnect support if you're not sure how to proceed after a reject there.

Manifest Already On File, Do Not Resend

CBP Response: Manifest Already On File, Do Not Resend, Trip [ABCD002001]
CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD002001]
CBP Response: Shipments Rejected [1], Shipments Accepted [0] for Complete Manifest

This is a reject that basically means that your manifest cannot be accepted again because it is already on file. They're saying "we already have this, you can't send it again." It most commonly occurs when a manifest that you've previously sent to CBP is then sent again. Your response to this reject will depend on your situation:

  • If you resent your manifest because you made changes to it and wanted to update the manifest with CBP, you should now click Sync with CBP from the top of your eManifest Details page. This will allow CBP to see your updates. Resending a manifest that is already accepted will always result in this error.
  • If you resent your manifest by mistake, and had not made any changes to it, you do not need to take any action to correct it. CBP still has your manifest from the first time it was sent, and the reject is only for the resend.
  • If this is the first time you've sent this manifest and you receive this response, i.e. it is not a resend, it means that the trip number has already been used. This may be because the manifest was set up in another system, such as the CBP Portal or through another service provider. In this case you can either use the manifest prepared in that system or have it cancelled from there before re-syncing with CBP in BorderConnect. Or if you determine that the trip number is being used for a different load, you will need to assign a new trip number.
    It could also be that the trip was set up previously in BorderConnect, then the trip number was changed but that change was not processed by CBP. In this case you are best to contact our support to help you determine where it was used so that it can be cancelled out properly.

Incorrect Harmonized #

CBP Response: Man Returned to Preliminary, Trip [ABCD18245]
CBP Response: XXXX Bill Rejected XXXX, Shipment [ABCD0012120]
CBP Response: Incorrect Harmonized #, Commodity [Frog Suits]
CBP Response: Shipments Rejected [1], Shipments Accepted [0] for Complete Manifest

Incorrect harmonized # is a reject that comes up when you enter an invalid Harmonized Code (HS code) for an ACE In-Bond shipment on your manifest. The reject message will tell you which shipment is causing the problem, and which commodity on that shipment. In our example, the shipment control number ABCD0012120 has the invalid HS code and it is on the commodity Frog Suits. To correct it you will need to edit the commodity for that shipment, and update the Harmonized Code to the valid HS code for that commodity, in 6 digit format. Once that is done, return to your manifest and select Sync with CBP from the top of your eManifest Details page.

Invalid Trailer ACE ID

CBP Response: Man Returned to Preliminary, Trip [ABCD0015064]
CBP Response: XXXX Bill Rejected XXXX, Shipment [ABCD0035711]
CBP Response: Invalid Trailer ACE ID, Trailer [0108]
CBP Response: Shipments Rejected [1], Shipments Accepted [0] for Complete Manifest

This is a reject that comes up when a trailer on your manifest has an ACE id entered that is not valid in CBP's system. It will tell you which trailer has the invalid ACE id in the reject, in our example it is trailer 0108. In order to correct the reject, you will need edit the trailer profile. You will want to either check that the ACE id that is in there is valid so you can update it, or remove the ACE id from the profile entirely.

  • Once the trailer profile is updated, you can return to your manifest and click Sync with CBP at the top of your eManifest Details page.

Inv Travel Doc Number

CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD1933]
CBP Response: Inv Travel Doc Number
CBP Response: Shipments Rejected [1], Shipments Accepted [0] for Complete Manifest

The Invalid Travel Document Number reject always refers to a FAST card number that is not valid in ACE. This could be because it has been entered incorrectly in your driver profile, in which case you can resolve the issue by verifying the driver's FAST ID, update the driver profile in BorderConnect, and resending your manifest using the button Sync with CBP at the top of your eManifest Details page.

  • If the FAST card number was already correct in BorderConnect, it means that your FAST card is either not activated or is for some other reason not valid in ACE. To resolve the issue, the driver will need to activate the FAST card through the GOES website or contact GOES support to resolve the issue. Depending on how quickly the FAST card activation or support can be taken care of, it may be necessary to temporarily remove the FAST card from the driver profile and enter in the full information for a non-FAST driver to include a passport and commercial drivers license. You can then resend the manifest by clicking Sync with CBP. It's highly recommended to re-enter the FAST card number once the FAST issue is resolved though, as technically FAST approved drivers are required to be reported in ACE.

Invalid Driver/Passenger ACE ID

CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD000469]
CBP Response: Invalid Driver/Passenger ACE ID, Driver [JOHN DOGGETT]
CBP Response: Shipments Rejected [1], Shipments Accepted [0] for Complete Manifest

This is a reject that comes up when a driver on your manifest has an ACE id entered that is not valid in CBP's system. It will tell you which driver has the invalid ACE id in the reject, in our example it is the driver John Doggett. In order to correct the reject, you will need edit the driver profile. You will want to either check that the ACE ID that is in there is valid so you can update it, or remove the ACE ID from the profile entirely. If you choose to remove the ACE ID you should make sure to follow the instructions to ensure that the driver profile is ready for use on ACE eManifests.

  • Once the driver profile is updated, you can return to your manifest and click Sync with CBP.

Invalid Filing Status

CBP Response: Invalid Filing Status, Trip [ABCD46121]
CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD46121]
CBP Response: Inv Amend Code for Trip, Truck [AR1234 ON]
CBP Response: Shipments Failed Amend [1], Shipments Sucessfully Amended [0] for Amendment Request

Invalid filing status is a reject that comes up when you try to amend a manifest that is in preliminary status, usually because it was previously rejected for another reason. If a manifest is in preliminary status, you will need clear it out of CBP's system before resending. To do so, select the option Cancel eManifest at the top of the eManifest Details page. Once the cancel comes back accepted, you can Sync with CBP. Please note that if you have not already addressed the reason that the manifest was originally rejected, you will want to do so before resending.

No Person in Charge

CBP Response: No Person in Charge, Trip [ABCD15920]
CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD15920]
CBP Response: Shipments Failed Amend [1], Shipments Sucessfully Amended [0] for Amendment Request

No person in charge is a reject that comes up because none of the drivers on the manifest are designated as person in charge. On your manifest, each driver will be designated as either Crew Member or Person in Charge. It is not necessary for the person in charge to be the one driving when the truck arrives at the border, but one must be selected on the ACE Manifest.

  • To resolve this reject, click Edit Driver after hovering over the tool tip three dots on the right side of the driver. And then use the drop down selection for Driver's Role on Trip to update it to Person in Charge. Once finished, click Save and then Back to ACE eManifest. You can then click Sync with CBP to retransmit your manifest.

No Reason Specified

CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD0025]
CBP Response: Shipments Rejected [1], Shipments Accepted [0] for Complete Manifest

Not to be confused with other reject messages! Many rejects will also display the "Manifest Rejected" message, but others will include a reason for the reject on another line. The description here is only for a reject in which no reason is specified, and you only get these two lines as part of your response.

There are 3 main reasons known for a manifest to be rejected with no reason specified:

  • The ETA date is too far in the future. Accidentally setting the date a month or even a year too far in the future is not uncommon. CBP will reject the manifest and not specify that the date is the cause. To correct this problem simply update your ETA date to the correct date (must not be more than 30 days in advance) and click Sync with CBP.
  • There is a reject on the trailer and there are no shipments on the manifest. Normally, if a part of the trailer profile is rejected, the reason will be part of the reject message. When there are no shipments though (e.g. empty truck or IIT manifests) the CBP response does not specify the reason for the rejection. If you have already checked that the ETA is not the problem, it's a good idea to check out your trailer profile to see if there's anything there that doesn't belong. To do so, click the trailer on your manifest to bring up trailer details. Most often the culprit will be an invalid ACE ID. A space or dash in the license plate could also cause the reject. You can click the Edit Trailer button to remove the ACE ID or invalid license plate characters and hit Save when finished. You can then return to your manifest and click Sync with CBP.
  • You are trying to attach a shipment to a manifest and there is a port mismatch. This only comes up for advanced users. CBP will reject the Attach Shipment Message if you're trying to attach to an arrived manifest for which the port of entry does not match the port where the manifest was placed in arrived status by CBP. e.g. The manifest was set up for Detroit and the driver arrived in Port Huron. CBP updates the manifest to arrived status. If you were to try to attach a shipment to the manifest it will fail because of the port mismatch. In order to resolve the issue, you will need to do an amendment to update the manifest's port to match the actual port of arrival before trying to Attach Shipment Message again.
    CBP will also reject an Attach Shipment Message (or inbond linking attempt) for an In-Bond shipment if the port of arrival does not match the inbond port of entry. To resolve this issue you will need to either update the manifest's port of arrival or the port specified on the bond, depending on which one is incorrect. You can then try to attach or link the bond again.
    Please note these are both very advanced use cases and it is recommended to call BorderConnect Support for assistance.

Trip Number Does Not Exist

CBP Response: Trip Number does not Exist, Trip [ABCD00122012]
CBP Response: Manifest Rejected, Trip [ABCD00122012]
CBP Response: Shipments Failed Delete [1], Shipments Deleted [0] for Delete Request

Trip number does not exist is a reject that comes up when you try to send a cancel request or amend a manifest that is not in CBP's system. e.g. you send a cancel for a manifest but that manifest was never sent in the first place. A common occurrence for this reject is if you were to edit a trip number or ETA date in BorderConnect and send an amend for it using the legacy send options. This will not be successful because CBP will not be able to tell what the trip number or date was that you are trying to update.

  • If you encounter this reject when you were trying to cancel a manifest, you should not need to do anything else because the response confirms that it is not on file with CBP. It is now free to be left cancelled or modified and re-synced with CBP.
  • If you encounter this reject when you were trying to change something other than trip number date, the rejected manifest will need to be sent instead. i.e. by Syncing with CBP.
  • If you were trying to change your trip number or ETA date, you should set the trip number or date back to what it was originally, and follow the procedures in for making those changes in the changes guide.